Barry Hobson,
Latrinae et Foricae:
Toilets in the Roman World
(Duckworth, London, 2009)
x, 190 p., 142 text figures.
Acknowledgements (vii)
Preface (ix)
1. Toilets in the Roman world: an introduction (p. 1)
2. Roman Britain (p. 33)
3. Pompeii (p. 45)
4. Chronology of toilets (p. 61)
5. Upstairs toilets (p. 71)
6. Privacy (p. 79)
7. Rubbish and its disposal (p. 89)
8. Dirt, smell and culture (p. 105)
9. Water supply, usage and disposal (p. 117)
10. Who used these toilets? (p. 133)
11. Motions, maladies and medicine (p. 147)
12. Who cares about latrines? (p. 155)
13. Future research? (p. 165)
Glossary (p. 173)
Bibliography (p. 177)
Index of Places (p. 187)
"Why, you may ask, a book on Roman toilets?"
"The huge bath house, dedicated to the Emperor Hadrian, has two large latrines (Figs. 39 & 40), one allegedly for women which is slightly smaller than the one for the men. Each has a central peristyle with a colonnade, within which are seats in rows down three of the four sides. The side opposite the entrances in the men's latrine is 16 m long and the other two sides are over 13 m, giving a seating capacity of about forty-eight persons. The diameter of each hole is only 15.5 cm and they are between 60 and 65 cm apart. The seating is marble, 8 cm thick." (pp. 26-28)
著者が自分で実際に現場を見に行って、あちこち測ったことは明らかです。誰もまだこのように詳しく書いたことがないので、この部分の記述については一切の註がありません。イタリア隊がこの大規模な都市遺跡レプティス・マグナを発掘したわけですが、これを指揮したGiacomo Caputoなどによる文献は巻末の参考文献にまったく掲載されていません。オランダの研究者Gemma C. M. Jansenの論考、ローマ都市における水を扱った2002年の博士論文などを核として、対象を各地にまで拡げたように思われます。
"Scatological words occur occasionally, mostly when quoting other authors' translations" (p. ix)
Stercorari ad murum progredere si pre(n)sus fueris poena(m) patiare neces(s)e est, cave
If you shit against the walls and we catch you, you will be punished (CIL IV.7038)
(p. 144)
Quodam quisem testis eris quid senserim ubi cacatuiero veniam cacatum
Someday indeed you will learn how I feel. When you begin to shit I will shit on you (CIL IV.5242)
(p. 145)
Barry Hobson,
Pompeii, Latrines and Down Pipes: A General Discussion and Photographic Record of Toilet Facilities in Pompeii.
BAR International Series 2041.
Oxford, Archaeopress, 2009.
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