
Raven 2003

エジプトのトゥーム・チャペル(神殿型貴族墓)の計画方法を述べている論考で、メンフィス地域の平地に建つ新王国時代の貴族墓の平面図を分析しています。エジプト学者に対するA. Badawyの本の影響力が知られる論文。
バダウィはAncient Egyptian Architectural Design: A Study of the Harmonic System (Universty of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1965)という本を書いていて、近年はこの考え方に対する反論が出ている状況です。バダウィの他の本については、Badawy 1954-1968などを参照。彼はArchitecture in Ancient Egypt and the Near East (MIT Press, Cambridge, 1966)なども出しています。

Maarten J. Raven,
"The Modular Design of New Kingdom Tombs at Saqqara",
Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux (JEOL) 37 (2001-2002) (2003),
pp. 53-69.

1. Introduction
2. The tomb of Maya and Meryt
2.1. Reconstruction of the modular grid
2.2. Dimensions of the tomb as multiples of the cubit
2.3. Analysis of the tomb as a harmonic design
3. The tomb of Horemheb
3.1. Reconstruction of the modular grid
3.2. Dimensions of the tomb as multiples of the cubit
3.3. Analysis of the tomb as a harmonic design
4. The tomb of Pay and Raia
4.1. Reconstruction of the modular grid
4.2. Dimensions of the tomb as multiples of the cubit
4.3. Analysis of the tomb as a harmonic design
5. The tomb of Tia and Tia
5.1. Reconstruction of the modular grid
5.2. Dimensions of the tomb as multiples of the cubit
5.3. Analysis of the tomb as a harmonic design
6. Conclusions




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