
Robson and Stedall (eds.) 2009


"Instead, this book explores the history of mathematics under a series of themes which raise new questions about what mathematics has been and what it has meant to practice it. The book is not descriptive or didactic but investigative, comprising a variety of innovative and imaginative approaches to history."
(p. 1)

この本の中ではたったひとり、日本人が論考を書いています。801~826ページの、大阪府立大学の斎藤憲先生による"Reading ancient Greek mathematics"ですが、勝手ながらここでは他の時代に属する内容を紹介。

Eleanor Robson and Jacqueline Stedall eds.,
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Mathematics
(Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009)
vii, 918 p.

Table of Contents:

Introduction (p. 1)

Geographies and Cultures
1. Global (p. 5)
2. Regional (p. 105)
3. Local (p. 197)

People and Practices
4. Lives (p. 299)
5. Practices (p. 405)
6. Presentation (p. 495)

Interactions and Interpretations
7. Intellectual (p. 589)
8. Mathematical (p. 685)
9. Historical (p. 779)

About the contributors (p. 881)
Index (p. 891)

古代エジプトに関しては、C. RossiとA. Imhausenの2人が分担執筆をしていて、どちらも興味深い考察を記しています。双方の論考とも古代エジプト建築に深く関わるので、見逃せません。
この研究者たちについてはRossi 2004、またImhausen 2003Imhausen 2007を参照。

Corinna Rossi,
"Mixing, building, and feeding: mathematics and technology in ancient Egypt"
(pp. 407-428).

Annette Imhausen,
"Traditions and myths in the historiography of Egyptian mathematics"
(pp. 781-800).


"Since the 1990s, the aims and methodology of ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman mathematics have been undergoing radical change, as part of larger developments in the history of mathematics (see for example Bottazzini and Dalmedico 2001). The move towards cultural context in the historiography of ancient mathematics has improved the interpretation of Egyptian mathematical writings. It is now recognized that it is no longer adequate simply to re-express their mathematical content in modern terms. When instead the formal features and cultural context of a text are taken into account, a whole new range of interesting questions can be asked (Ritter 1995; 2000; Rossi 2004)."
(pp. 785-786)

建築の側から言うならば、この中で最も重要なのは"Myth no. 3: rope stretching, right angled triangles, and Pythagoras" (p. 791)で、3-4-5の比からなる直角三角形について問いかけており、これはピラミッドの断面計画でも実測値としてうかがわれるわけですが、再考を求めています。

Rossiの論考では、特に412~417ページに書かれた"stone"の項目が面白い。そこでは煉瓦の量を見積もるpReisner Iの記述が扱われ、また石切場における掘削量も同時に出てきます。

"As already mentioned above, papyrus Reisner I, suggests that the cubic cubit was subdivided into 'volume palms' corresponding to 'slices' of cubic cubits 1 palm wide, rather than small cubes with a side-length of 1 palm (Rossi and Imhausen, forthcoming). Such a subdivision would have been useful both in theory for performing calculations and in practice for quarrying trenches or rock-cut chambers."
(p. 412)

でもこの考え方は、アイザック・ニュートンがとうの昔に書いている「煉瓦が古代尺に合わせた大きさであったなら、建物全体での使用量の積算に便利であったろう」という透徹した見方と、結局はとても近いように思われます(Newton 1737)。

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