
Frankfort (ed.) 1929

F. G. ニュートンを追悼した刊行物。模写を担当したニュートンのカラー作品の他、デーヴィス夫妻によるものも載っています。

Henri Frankfort (ed.),
with contributions by N. de Garis Davies, H. Frankfort, S. R. K. Glanville, T. Whittemore,
plates in colour by the late Francis G. Newton, Nina de G. Davies, N. de Garis Davies,
The Mural Painting of El-'Amarneh.
F. G. Newton Memorial Volume
(Egypt Exploration Society, London, 1929)
xi, 74 p. XXI plates.


Francis Giesler Newton. A biographical note by Thomas Whittemore (vii)
Note (ix)
List of Plates (xi)
I. Francis Giesler Newton (Frontispiece)
II. "Green Room," East Wall
III. The Doves (Detail from Plate II). In colour
IV. "Green Room," West Wall
V. Pigeons and Shrike (Detail from Plate IV). In colour
VI. Kingfisher (Detail from Plate IV). In colour
VII. Three fragments of border designs: A and C, Details from Plate II; B, From east half of south wall of North-eastern Court. In colour
VIII. Kingfisher and Dove (Details from Plates II and IV)
IX. Shrike (Detail from Plate II); Vine-leaves and Olive (unplaced fragments). In colour
X. Geese and Cranes, from West Rooms of North-eastern Court of Northern Palace
XI. Goose (Detail from Plate X). In colour
XII. Various Fragments from the Northern Palace
XIII. Paintings from the Palace of Amenhotep III near Thebes
XIV. Plan of the Northern Palace
XV. Detail of flowers and fruit in Fayence and Wall-paintings
XVI. Garland designs on Mummy Cases
XVII. Ducks from House V.37.1. In colour
XVIII. Mural Designs from Houses
A. A Garland Fragment, House V.37.1
B. Frieze, Official Residence of Pnehsy
C. Garland, House R.44.2
XIX. Garland and Ducks, House V.37.1. In colour
XX. Garland and Ducks, House of Ra'nûfer
XXI. False Window Frieze, House V.37.1

Chapter I. The Affinities of the Mural Paintings of El-'Amarneh, by H. Frankfort (p. 1)
Chapter II. The Decoration of the Houses, by S. R. K. Glanville (p. 31)
Chapter III. The Paintings of the Northern Palace, by N. de Garis Davies (p. 58)

Index (p. 73)

アマルナ型住居の彩色に関しても、この本を見ることが必要。第2章にその解説があります。関連書としてはまず、Wheatherhead 2007が重要で、この他にKemp and Weatherhead 2000Weatherhead and Kemp 2007もあります。


Ludwig Borchardt und Herbert Ricke,
Die Wohnhäuser in Tell el-Amarna.
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (WVDOG) 91.
Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in Tell el-Amarna 5
(Gebr. Mann Verlag, Berlin, 1980)
350 p., 29 Tafeln, 7 site plans, 112 plans.


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