
Croom 2007

古代ローマにおける家具の研究書。ポンペイやエルコラーノ(ヘラクレネウム)などの遺跡から見つかっている家具についてはMols 1999のところで触れましたが、ローマの家具全体を概観した本と言うことになると、類書がないように思われます。

Alexandra T. Croom,
Roman Furniture
(Tempus, Stroud, 2007)
192 p.

List of figures (p. 7)
List of colour plates (p. 11)
List of tables (p. 13)
Acknowledgements (p. 14)
1. Introduction (p. 15)
2. The materials used in furniture (p. 19)
3. Beds and couches (p. 32)
4. Dining-couches (p. 46)
5. Soft furnishings for beds and couches (p. 56)
6. Dining-, serving- and display-tables (p. 68)
7. Desks and work-tables (p. 89)
8. Stools and benches (p. 97)
9. Chairs (p. 116)
10. Cupboards and shrines (p. 124)
11. Chests and boxes (p. 138)
12. Curtains and floor coverings (p. 144)
13. Furniture in use: farms and the poor (p. 150)
14. Furniture in use: multiple room houses (p. 155)
15. Furniture in use: the rich (p. 168)
16. Furniture in use: non-domestic furniture (p. 172)
17. Conclusion (p. 183)
Glossary (p. 184)
Bibliography (p. 186)
Index (p. 189)


"According to Roman law, 'furniture' consisted of: 'any apparatus belonging to the head of the household consisting of articles intended for everyday use which do not fall into any other category, as, for instance, Stores, Silver, Closing, Ornaments, or Apparatus of the land or the house' (Edicts of Justinian, 33.7; Watson 1985). In greater detail, these are identified as: 'tables, table legs, three-legged Delphic tables, benches, stool, beds (including those inlaid with silver), mattresses, coverlets, slippers, water jugs, basins, wash-basins, cendelabra, lamps and bowls. Likewise, common bronze vessels, that is ones which are not specially attributed to one place. Moreover, bookcases and cupboards. But there are those who rightly hold that bookcases and cupboards, if they are intended to contain books, clothing or utensils, are not included in furniture, because these objects themselves ... do not go with the apparatus of furniture' (ibid., 33.2)."
(p. 15)


CIL(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum)、あるいはSHA(Scriptores Historiae Augustae)など、ラテン語諸文献との摺り合わせに工夫がうかがわれ、これも注目される点です。Loeb Classical Libraryの刊行シリーズを前提とした記述。
エジプト学だと、Janssen 2009などでおこなわれている仕事で、実際にあった物品と、記述として残されているものとの対応関係を探る試みは、実はあまり多くありません。

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